Write for Us

Freep Sports 247 accepts quality sports guest post submissions from hopeful journalists and writers for sports-themed content, which includes Athletics, Archery, Baseball, Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Cricket, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, News, Sports, and more. If you want to write for us, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or use the contact form below.
We Also Have Additional Websites that cover All Subjects, And You Are Welcome To Contact Us For More Details.
Write A Guest Post On Sports
- We frequently get asked if we will accept guest posts, and we are willing to do so because we feel our readers deserve to have an array of perspectives and news about sports. Additionally, our staff writers are focused on their favorite teams and sports. We want to hear other perspectives.
- Suppose you submit a useful and well-written sports article. In that case, we will highlight you as the author, thereby giving your article exposure to a bigger public. If your article is popular, you can become an ongoing contributor to the blog about sports.
- If you are interested in submitting a guest post, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us with your written article or submit via the contact form below.
- We also accept articles in which no credit is given.
- We are always seeking regular contributors, so if you’d like to contribute to the sports blog, please reach out. We only ask for an element of openness in your communications.
Please Read The Rules Of The House Below Prior To Posting A Guest Post On Sports Or An Article To Be Submitted For Submission.
Guest Post Guidelines
Length: Minimum 850 words. We are able to split any article longer than 2500 words into a collection.
Paragraphs: Break your content up into short and clear paragraphs to make it more accessible.
Links: All links that you post are not in violation of Google’s policies and must be informative. Do not provide promotional links unless you’ve discussed this with us prior to doing so. We are completely honest. We love helping writers, but if they spin a phrase that you’re trying to get exposure and then try to sneak a link for promotion into it, you’re a waste of time.
Media: If you’re a fan of which images with no copyright rights you prefer to use, you should include them with your article. It is crucial to ensure that they’re not copyrighted or patented, so please don’t simply take images from other websites.
Guest Posts Content We Love
Our readers visit us for blogs about sports, so they’re looking for informative content. It should be simple to comprehend, insightful, useful, and entertaining information. We are open to differing views and views on sports, particularly the less well-known sports. We have all our posts that have been published on the website map.
We Don’t Enjoy Guest Posts
We do not like guest posts that promote advertisements, but this isn’t advertising space. It is possible to advertise on our site If you’re looking to do. Make sure that the content is original and respectful of other writers by not copying other sources.
Also, we insist that the content is written in English and written well in order to appeal to our readers. We understand that sports can trigger emotions, and certain players are targeted for abuse due to poor performance. We won’t accept homophobic, derogatory, or misogynistic remarks. We won’t allow our website to serve as an outlet for vitriol or outrage.
What Are We Looking For When You Write For Us?
If You’d Like To Become A Guest Writer, You Must Submit A Bio And Social Media Accounts:
House Rules
Be Unique:
The content and articles you write must be original to you. You can draw ideas from other sources that you discover during your research, but be sure to credit the source and pay attention to copyright laws. Our readers expect relevant and exciting articles, not repetitions of the work of others. We are among the sports websites that welcome submissions and guest posts; therefore, please do not share the same content between us.
Be Relevant:
We’re a site for sports, and that’s exactly what our viewers want to experience. We’re happy to publish informative and engaging guest articles. We do not want topics that aren’t sports-related. However, we do have other websites that could be suitable for that particular topic.
Be Careful:
The content must be accurate and not provoke or offend, and we’ll remove or modify offending articles. Being controversial and expressing opinions that are strong is fine, and we won’t censor you. However, we will not publish anything if you’re offensive or abusive, demeaning, homophobic, misogynistic, or racially discriminatory. The only thing we will do is be adamant against racism.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: I’m An Aspiring Sports Writer. Will You Publish My Writing?
A: We would be delighted to help writers who want to be published; however, only if the article is of high-quality content that is not a secret motive. We receive many messages from people pretending that this is true. Contact us to verify your authenticity, and we’d be happy to assist. We appreciate the quality content, and so do our readers.
If you want to write for us and send your article to be read and considered by the editor, then complete the form below or send the article to [email protected]. If you send us an email that is short and contains hyperlinks to other articles or other work, we’ll assume you’re spamming and will likely give you a canned reply or simply do nothing.
Q: I Have A Few Ideas. Could I Send These To You?
A: Yes, do so, as we’re more than willing to talk ideas with anyone who would like to contribute to our writing. Be aware that we receive hundreds of emails every day. They could be mistaken as spam. In this case, you should avoid using devices for mass-emailing, or develop how to present your message.
Q: What Can We Do To Publish?
A: It’s actually quite easy. If you can provide high-quality content that includes relevant external links, it will be posted. It’s helpful to be articulate in your emails since it will reflect how you write. If you’re serious, you should send the content you would like to be published. We’re interested in publishing high-quality content.
Q: Can We Write A Guest Post? I Work For A Company
A: Yes, however, those same principles apply. We’d love to talk about any topic with anyone. Still, we prefer you to be transparent right from the beginning about your schedule. We’ll respond to each email, even spammers. If you’re a representative for a company be honest about what you are trying to accomplish. We’ll give you an equally transparent about how we can collaborate.
Please be aware that we immediately cut off contact in the event of a ruse or deceit being discovered.
Q: If I Have Other Types Of Content Other Than Sport, Can I Share It?
A: We also have other websites that cover all subjects. You can also write for us on a range of topics.
Can You Modify Our Article?
Only When It Is Necessary And For The Reasons Listed Below:
- Spelling: The Spelling team will correct errors and modify the spelling of your article to English to ensure consistency. This won’t be the case for articles regarding American Sports.
- Clarity: We could edit HTML0 to improve clarity and aid in reading.
- Grammar: We can change the grammatical change.
- Links: To Help Put The Article In Its Proper Context, We will hyperlink to similar articles on the same subject. We might also provide links to websites of third parties to aid readers in getting a better understanding.
- Images: We’ll always include a featured image in the article, so send us any copyright-free image you wish to make use of.
- Meta: If you would like to make sure that meta information is included, you must provide this. It should be a precise and precise outline of your article.
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